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MELANIE > music stuff

Weep You No More Sad Fountains • John Dowland (1563-1626)

with Marc Bellassai on virginal

Vocal Looping Experiment with hurdy-gurdy

based on Che si può fare by Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677)

Solsange “Sunsongs” • Lansing McLoskey (b. 1964)

for solo soprano, alto, and tenor voices

Released in 2001 on the album “sixth species” by Albany Records

Someplace Sound Pods / Childrens Museum of Phoenix

Ambient vocal experiments 

A group of 3 Sound Pods form a centerpiece for "Someplace", a permanent exhibit at the Children's Museum of Phoenix. Inside, children listen to atmospheric soundscapes representing the noises of imaginary life forms in jungle, sea & outer-space environments.

Unrequited: Music of Guillaume De Machaut (1300-1377)

Recorded in 2001 with my vocal trio Liber unUsualis

Flyleaves: Medieval Music in English Manuscripts

Recorded in 2003 with my vocal trio Liber unUsualis

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